"Cracking the Success Code"
"Master the Law of Attraction"
Both programs together in a
Complete Four-Week Training Program
Recorded before a live audience!
More than 7 hours of live recordings
Learn to Design and Create the Life of Your Choice
plus exclusive bonus materials
Here's a brief (13 minute) video about the live four - week training which was the origin of this program. |
Here's a brief (5 minute) video of some of the participants opinions of this training. |
Contents of the Program
Session Number 1
Your Mental Toolkit My story…. “The Dream That Changed My Life” Two lines of research My challenges -- stuttering/ lack of confidence Everything changed with a mind power course Started public speaking and coaching It’s possible to transform your life I’ll teach you some specific thought exercises Audience definition of success? My definition of “success” (Earl Nightingale) Definition of “code” (Letters in a word) Moving from “reacting” to “creating” T1 → F1 → A1 → R1 becomes T2 → F2 → A2 → R2 The Secret of Being Lucky How to use this information and techniques to change your life Quotes: Buddha/Einstein/Holmes/De Kirckhov “It’s all in the mind.” 1995- A Revolution in understanding the mind and brain. You can change the brain just by thinking in a certain way. Things don’t happen to you; they happen from you. How are you seeing reality? Getting INSTANT RESULTS → long term changes in your life. Four Big Themes: LOA/M*T Connection/Neuroplasticity/Imprinting How LOA works/RAS/Non-deliberate attraction/ Positive and negative vibrations Your vibrational Bubble We live in two Worlds → Connection of Inner and Outer Worlds Perceive/Believe/Conceive (Same nerves) (Donald Trump) How it all works... →→→ Word/Thought/Vibration/Result Creating Instant Success ... Past Successes Sheet “I feel more successful now.” “I notice more success now.” The Basic Law of Consciousness: “What is true for you grows.” “I have the power to feel successful anytime I choose.” “Your power is only one thought away.” Session Number 3
The importance of imprinting by doing the thought exercises Evidence of growing new neural connections Reticular Activating System R.A.S. is the secret to how the LOA works The importance of imprinting The first law of consciousness = the law of growth The Lazy Person’s Guide to Enlightenment Review how the Law of Attraction works You need to make a habit of imprinting How non-deliberate attraction works Imprinting breaks the cycle → You become a creator Your mind will answer any question Past successes and imprinting is really asking questions The value of spaced repetition Worksheet: How to achieve any goal The success process is just like walking How does an apple tree produce apples? Moving from doing to being Deciding on your goals might be just letting them in The success is in the past but the feeling is now. How to solve all your financial problems Building an “Prosperity Consciousness” How to bring your dreams and goals into the NOW The magic “Law of Attraction” phrase The problem with most people’s goal achieving efforts How to stop attracting what you don’t want How to create a ‘reset button’ to change your vibration A model of conscious goal-creation and success Session Number 5
Automatic functions of the mind: language/meaning/beliefs Children interpret everying as about “me” → self image. Negative experiences shape our self image. Roger Sperry discovers “The Explainer” We all make up ‘stories’ to explain our experience. The story of “Rocky”. What meaning did Stallone give to his experience? What meanings or stories have you allowed to stop you? Thomas Edison’s story = not “failure” but “learning”. “Why is a chicken like an apple tree? Your mind will always answer any question. How to apply past lessons to your present goals. Your past successes can supply information/motivation/inspiration How to achieve any goal. An overview of the goals achievement process. How to increase your desire to win and your belief in your power. You must remain conscious of your progress. How to rewire your own brain. E+R=O Changing negative events into positive events. Triggering and structuring causes. |
Session Number 2
The Mind*Time Connection (The Second Big Piece) Remembering my Childhood Dream Finding the answers to my two big questions Memory is a connection not a recording. To be successful you must have goals. Every thought is a connection. Memory = goal-setting Your mind is like a cel phone: sending and receiving Past successes is like a list of internet favorites Your memory works in the future too “Future Memory” Why Planning a dinner party makes you psychic You are constantly getting information from the future Most people don’t have goals People with goals become psychic Does information move through time? Is time travel a reality? Life unfolds as a branching path with decision points Making decisions about your goals The dots only line up looking backward (Steve Jobs) The reality of “Mental Time Travel” (Fred A Wolf) The frontal lobe is a time machine (Daniel Gilbert) Mind’s default mode is as a time machine. Why my book is called “Mind, Time and Power” Two keys to Personal Mastery= Neuroplasticity Changing your mind/changing your brain Imprinting/Thought Exercises = Long term results Changing your brain/changing your mind Why you need a personal filing system for your thoughts How to create your mental filing system Automatic Mental Processes: Language/Beliefs/Meanings Changing beliefs and meanings by imprinting Developing our power means changing beliefs and meanings The secret to imprinting is repetition Your mind is like a garden, automatically producing reality The six laws of the mind (John Kehoe) Thought experiments for the week Example of how to do contemplation exercises Beware the “The Great Trickster” Session Number 4
To be successful is to be in the process The secret: It’s being, not doing Definition of a goal: A possibility I have decided to experience. The four characteristics of a goal Another model of a goal/goals process Using The Past Successes Worksheet Identifying and capturing positive feelings from the past Identifying and capturing positive meanings in the past Identifying positive meanings in past events How to cultivate a more positive and powerful self-image Why your past is your most valuable resource The “Law of Growth” and how to use it effectively How to easily and quickly increase your confidence How to become the “Architect of Your Life” How to turn your dreams into physical realities -- BONUS CD How to take your life to the next level Thought experiments for the week The “Movie Screen Technique” a very powerful programming technique The two ways to use creative visualization How to quickly and easily increase your luck Session Number 6
How to deal with negatives 1: “Blow it up!” How to deal with negatives 2: “Shrink it down!” Q and A Demonstration of the “Shrink it down” technique. Two Kinds of Visualization: Disassociation and Association Reframing a Past Negative Event (Anthony Robbins Technique) How to deal with negatives 3: “The Secret of Chaging the Past”. Changing the Past Meditation Exercise The Present is Your Point of Power Reframing, Continued. Overcoming procrastination by changing your thought process. How to Increase Your Confidence How to Increase Your Self-Respect and Feel More Loved Tying together positive feelings to your actions and goals. It’s Your Responsibility to Re-wire Your Brain Thought Experiment for the Week How to Design Your Own Personality Cultivation Program “The Lazy Person’s Guide to Enlightenment” The “Movie Screen” Technique -- BONUS CD-- Anthony Hamilton’s Life Design Blueprint Training Becoming the architect of your life |
Session Number 7 Talking about NLP - “Frogs into princes” Recommended book Using the workbook: Your Journal/Diary “Make it a Habit” The important role that habits play in our lives. Your Dialect and Your Ideolect What is your “thought ideolect”? Which way are your thumbs? Is Your Self-Image just a Habit? How Benjamin Franklin changed his. The Magic Power of Repetition. How to Cultivate a New Personality How to Get Rid of Negatives (Review of the three techniques.) Taking Daily Action Steps to Make Daily Progress on your Life Journey. Changing the Past Why You Must Create and Use a Journal Make Your Daily Thought Exercises a Habit Taking your life and your business to the next level. How to Easily Double Your Income Maintaining the Integrity of Your Vibrational Bubble. |
How Criticism Bounces Back on You How Praising People Helps You Do You Make Yourself Feel Bad Just to Get Sympathy? The Six Laws of the Mind Reviewed Tapping Your Greatest Undiscovered Resource. The “Mind-Time Connection” Reviewed It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood Mining for the Gold in Your Past (Using Your Past Successes List) How to Get Information from the Future. Connecting with Your Past and Future Selves Connecting with Your Personal Spirit Guide How to Discover and Develop your Psychic Ability. How to Easily Know the Correct Decision to Make How to Become Psychic How to recognize and use your psychic ability in practical ways. How Does Your Future Communicate with You? How to Use Your Dreams as a Source of Information |
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